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- /* FixQuotes.rexx 1.0 - 15-Mar-97
- ** Removes those annoying squares from a message which are displayed if your font
- ** doesn't support all characters.
- ** Check http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html for other useful scripts! */
- options results
- address 'YAM'
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- if rc>0 then do /* You screwed up! */
- 'Request "You need to select a message first!" "_Abort script"'
- exit /* quit script */
- end /* not the script, the do after then... */
- filename=result
- if open(in,filename,'r') then do
- if open(out,'t:tmp','w') then do /* try to open a temp file */
- do while ~eof(in) /* convert whole message */
- r=readln(in) /* read a line */
- r=change(r,'=92',"'") /* I've no idea what this */
- r=change(r,'92'x,"'") /* char is called... :-) */
- r=change(r,'=93','"') /* begin quote */
- r=change(r,'93'x,'"') /* so is this */
- r=change(r,'=94','"') /* end quote */
- r=change(r,'94'x,'"') /* same here */
- call writeln(out,r)
- end
- call close(out)
- end
- else do
- 'Request "Can not write temp file!" "_Abort script"' /* Bad luck! */
- exit
- end
- call close(in)
- address command 'copy >nil: t:tmp' filename
- address command 'delete >nil: t:tmp'
- 'Request "All quotes converted." "Ok"'
- end
- else
- 'Request "Can not open message!" "_Abort script"'/* This shouldn't ever happen */
- exit /* That's all folks! */
- change:
- parse arg s,o,n /* Args: string, old chars, new chars */
- do while pos(o,s)>0 /* do while there are old chars left */
- p=pos(o,s) /* find the position */
- b=left(s,p-1) /* store the beginning of line */
- e=substr(s,p+length(o)) /* and the end of line */
- s=b || n || e /* create new and improved string */
- end
- return s /* Return the result */